讯问的英文:interrogateask about参考例句:The suspect is marched to the police station for interrogation.嫌疑犯被押赴警察局听候讯问。A fresh examination of the witness对证人的再次讯问The teacher's question caught him flat-footed老师的讯问使...
少儿英语 短信预约提醒
循序渐进法的英文:step-by-step methodstep是什么意思:n. 脚步;步态,步伐;步骤;措施;阶段,等级;台阶,平台;舞步v. 踩,踏;跨步,行走;跳舞;使成阶梯状step by step welding跨步焊法 It is a step class.这是踏板操训练班。They are not in step ...
锄禾的英文:weed and plowweed是什么意思:n. 野草,杂草,烟草v. 除草;铲除Ill weeds grow apace.野草长得快。Weeds want no sowing野草不必栽种No garden without its weeds没有不长草的园子There is no garden without its weeds没有不长杂草的花园The w...
讯息的英文:message参考例句:Lose track of; lose trace of失去联系;没有..的讯息Don't clog up your mind with useless information.不要让你的头脑被无用的讯息所阻碍。A messenger RNA molecule synthesized from the DNA directs the synthesis of the ...
鲟鱼月的英文:sturgeon moon(八月的满月)sturgeon是什么意思:n. 鲟鱼Caviar is the salted eggs of a fish called a sturgeon.鱼子酱是鲟鱼仔腌制而成的酱。The roe of a large fish,especially sturgeon,that is salted,seasoned,and eaten as a delicac...
锄头的英文:hoe参考例句:Knock the hoe handle up把锄头柄往上敲This is an awkward hoe.这把锄头太笨。A tool, such as a hoe, used for hacking用于劈,砍的工具,如锄头Choose me a good hoe.替我选一把好锄头。C - me a good hoe.替我选一把好锄头。The...
汛期的英文:flood season参考例句:The tuna run was over and there were few boats at the island now.金枪鱼的汛期已经过去,留在岛上的船只业已不多。flood是什么意思:n. 洪水,水灾,大批,大量v. 淹没,泛滥,大量涌入,挤满,充满,照进,(使)溢流...
训斥的英文:a nasty onechew outchoke offdress downdrop intodrop oneat sb's head offflogget afterhelljawrake downscolding参考例句:To scold sharply;berate.严厉谴责;训斥To rebuke;scold.责备训斥,责骂To criticize or reprove sharply;reprimand.....
锄足蟾的英文:spadefootspadefoot是什么意思:n. [动]锄足蟾(亦作spadefoot toad)
迅即的英文:at once; immediately参考例句:They were prompt to respond to our call for help.他们对我们的求助迅即回应.The company was(quick)off the mark in printing that book about the capture of the plane公司迅即印刷那本有关缴获那架飞机的书....