虚拟的英文:fictitioustheoreticalvirtual参考例句:In virtual storage systems,the ratio of the size of real storage to the size of virtual storage.在虚拟存储系统中,实际存储器的大小与虚拟存储器的大小之比。The virtual storage created and cont...
少儿英语 短信预约提醒
虚拟物品的英文:virtual itemsvirtual是什么意思:adj. 实际上的;实质上的;虚拟的Virtual entity means virtual combo.虚拟企业指的是成立虚拟联合体。The glass ravelled virtually into powder.玻璃几乎碎成了粉末。These children were in a state of v...
虚拟办公室的英文:virtual officevirtual是什么意思:adj. 实际上的;实质上的;虚拟的Virtual entity means virtual combo.虚拟企业指的是成立虚拟联合体。The glass ravelled virtually into powder.玻璃几乎碎成了粉末。These children were in a state o...
虚拟现实的英文:1. virtual reality参考例句:Virtual reality虚拟现实Virtual reality markup language虚拟现实置标语言With industry knowledge of virtual reality and simulation具有虚拟现实及仿真产品的专业知识The cyberspace is regarded as agoal o...
虚拟的的英文:dummy参考例句:In virtual storage systems,the ratio of the size of real storage to the size of virtual storage.在虚拟存储系统中,实际存储器的大小与虚拟存储器的大小之比。The virtual storage created and controlled by a VSE, os /...
虚拟形象的英文:avatarfictional charactervirtual imageonline personaeavatar是什么意思:n. 神之化身,具体化;头像This archpriest has been seen as Avatar of Elysium.这位大祭司被视为净土的化身。Buddha was said to have been an avatar of the gre...
虚拟经济的英文:fictitious economyfictitious是什么意思:adj. 虚构的,假装的This paper company does fictitious transactions exclusively.这个皮包公司专做买空卖空的生意。That player could work himself up to passion by a mere fictitious speech....
虚拟语气的英文:1.[Grammar] subjunctive mood; the subjunctive参考例句:You can use subjunctive mood in this sentence.在这个句子中你可以使用虚拟语气。"If I were you","were" is a subjunctive.如果我是你中的"were"是虚拟语气的动词。"In ""if I w...
虚拟钱币的英文:virtual moneyvirtual是什么意思:adj. 实际上的;实质上的;虚拟的Virtual entity means virtual combo.虚拟企业指的是成立虚拟联合体。The glass ravelled virtually into powder.玻璃几乎碎成了粉末。These children were in a state of v...
虚拟语言的英文:pseudo languagepseudo是什么意思:adj. 假的,冒充的n. 伪君子Her care for the poor is completely pseudo.她对穷人的关心完全是假的。Pulls have become the quintessential pseudo - event of the preprimary campaign. 民意调查已经成....