发布时间:2019-01-25 09:36 来源:环球网校
点击量: 918
少儿英语报名、考试、查分时间 免费短信提醒
- We had to prop up the roof with a wooden post.
我们得用一根木柱子撑住屋顶。 - He was made to stand and hold up the sky on his head and hands.
于是,他被命令站着用头和双手撑住天空。 - We blocked up the old building for fear that it should collapse.
我们用木头把那座旧楼房撑住,以免倒塌。 - Shored up the sagging floors; shored up the peace initiative.
用支柱撑住下陷的天花板;掌握和平的主动权 - I grabbed the dashboard to brace myself and I watched the speedometer climb.
我撑住仪表板去稳住自己,同时我看到速度表在窜升。 - He was a suave elderly man who balanced his imposing body, when at rest, upon a large silk umbrella
他是个和蔼的长者,站住时靠着一把大绸伞,撑住肥硕的身躯。 - But he is neither vulgar nor stupid and he has a cheeky humour which enables him to hold his own in conversation
n. 条痕,鞭痕,凸纹,精华,选择
vt. 使有鞭条痕,织成棱纹,挑选,撑住
vi. 挑选
- On Saturday France plays Rugby against Wales [plays Wales at Rugby].
星期六法国队和威尔士队比赛橄榄球。 - This village in Wales is patterned on one in Italy.
威尔士的这个村庄是仿照意大利的一个村庄建成的。 - The leek became the national emblem of Wales.
韭菜成为威尔士国徽。 - Barrister have right of audience in all court in england and wales.
在英格兰和威尔士高级律师在所有法院都有发言权利。 - A barrister have right of audience in any court in england and wales.
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