发布时间:2019-01-25 09:29 来源:环球网校
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少儿英语报名、考试、查分时间 免费短信提醒
[Formal] to wallow in; to be given to; be steeped in
- He had clung to the remembrance of things past.
他沉湎于过去的记忆。 - Extreme indulgence in sensual pleasures;dissipation.
放荡极其沉湎于声色;淫逸 - One of these is undue absorption in the past
其一是过分地沉湎于过去。 - Yielding himself to his feelings of worthlessness,he tried to kill himself.
他沉湎于人生毫无价值的情感中,曾试图一死了之。 - His youth was spent in having a good time-plenty of wine, woman, and song.
他的青春是在享乐这中度过的——花天酒地,沉湎声色。 - Everyone nodded agreement save Fee, who seemed intent on some private vision.
除了菲以外,每个人都点头表示同意,她看上去正沉湎于个人的梦幻里。 - devote oneself entirely to something; indulge in to an immoderate degree, usually with pleasure.
将自己完全投身于某事;无节制地沉湎于其中通常为乐事。 - Israel's problem lay not in the pace of our resupply but in the complacency induced by the memory of great victories
以色列的难题不在于我们进行再补给的速度,而在于它沉湎于昔日的伟大胜利。 - A person who habitually indulges in debauchery or dissipation;a libertine.
放荡者,纵欲者习惯性地沉湎于放荡淫逸的人;浪子 - The Master knew that one of them indulged in immoral acts in the name of religion.
adj. 正式的;礼仪上的;有条理的;正规的;公开的 ;拘谨的
- You should recast the report in formal wording as it is a formal occasion.
这是一个很郑重的场合,所以你的报告应改的正式一点。 - A formal note is essentially a formal personal letter.
正式照会实质上是正式的个人函件。 - They are very formal in their business transactions.
n. 打滚,泥沼,堕落
v. 快活地在泥沼中打滚,在海浪中颠簸,纵乐,热衷于
- To wallow,roll,or toss about,as in mud or high seas.
翻滚,打滚象在泥或海中打滚、翻滚或颠簸 - To wallow,roll,or toss about,as in mud or high seas.
翻滚,打滚象在泥或海中打滚、翻滚或颠簸 - Although these animals do not wallow, they roll on the ground in order to
v. give的过去分词
adj. 特定的;习惯的;沉溺的;赠送的
prep. 考虑到
- The orders were given on the hour.
整点发布命令。 - They were given a spelling test.
对他们进行了拼写测验. - The price is given on the tag.
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