发布时间:2019-01-25 09:31 来源:环球网校
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all without any exceptions
- The charms of their subtlety passed by her unappreciated
话里的微妙刻薄意味,她一概不能领会。 - Many stores do not discount at all.
许多商店出售商品一概不打折扣。 - Some of the criticisms made even by the Rightists are correct and should not be categorically rejected
右派的批评也有一些是对的,不能一概抹杀。 - I am not so violently bent upon my own opinion as to reject any offer proposed by wise men.
我并不刚愎自用,以至于对贤人高见一概排斥。 - All the band members were dressed in gothic style copes of middle age.
乐队成员一概身穿中世纪哥特风格长袍。 - "If she was to make a long stay, she must be allowed to defray all her household's daily expenses."
"一应日费供给一概免却,方是处常之法." - Those statistical changes are collectively known as the “Sideways effect.”
这些数据性的变化一概被称作“《杯酒人生》效应”。 - This Marxist-Leninist principle of revolution holds good universally, for China and for all other countries.
这个马克思列宁主义的革命原则是普遍地对的,不论在中国在外国,一概都是对的。 - "That day saw the end, too, of disorder, negligence and pilfering. "
adj. 一切的,所有的;整个的;各种的
pron. 一切;全部;大家,全体
n. 全部财产;所有一切
adv. 完全地;极其
- The policy of burn all,kill all,loot all
三光政策 - It is all on the house.
费用全由敝店支付。 - (all) in a twitter
(极度) 紧张[兴奋],激动
prep. 没有;不,无;在…范围以外
adv. 在户外;没有或不显示某事物
n. 外部;外面
- with or without milk,with or without sugar.
有人愿意在茶中加奶,有人却不愿意有人爱加糖,有人却不爱加糖。 - without [with no]stint
无限制地,不吝惜地 - "Without money, without tear"
n. 例外
- There is no rule but has exceptions. (=There is no rule that doesn't have exceptions.)
每一种规则都有例外。 - The exception proves the rule
例外证明了规则的存在 - Every rule has its exception
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