发布时间:2019-01-25 08:54 来源:环球网校
点击量: 831
少儿英语报名、考试、查分时间 免费短信提醒
- Divided into pinnae that are subdivided into smaller,further subdivided leaflets or lobes,as in many ferns.
三回羽状的二回羽状的又分割成更小的一回羽状的,进一步分割成小叶或裂片,如各种蕨类的叶片 - She was half sorry that her sagacity had miscarried, and half glad that Tom had stumbled into obedient conduct for once.
她一方面为了自己的机智落了空而难过,一方面又为了汤姆居然也有这么一回破天荒的听话守规矩的行为而高兴。 - a wrestling bout.
一回摔跤比赛 - Jia Rui tried desperately to hold back or persuade the contendants in turn.
"贾瑞急的拦一回这个,劝一回那个" - Would that I were young again.
真希望能再年轻一回。 - I always wind up flick on the TV as soon as I get home.
我一回到家总是打开电视 - One time in particular she found him very merry.
尤其有一回她看到他很高兴。 - He threw himself into work once he got back from his holidays.
他度假一回来就投身于工作。 - we were sorely tempted, and we fell
我们刚在河边走了一回,就湿了鞋。 - His numerous complaints are all variations on a theme
n. 拳击(摔跤)比赛;较量;一阵;发作;回合
- How many periods are there in a bout?
这场比赛有几局? - I was suffering with a bout of nerves.
我感到一阵紧张。 - He has been suffered from recurrent bouts of depression.
他一直经受着反复发作抑郁症的折磨。 - I suffered bouts of really hysterical depression.
我曾患阵发的严重癔病性抑郁症。 - This will be his eighth title bout in 19 months.
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