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The Key of Success

There are many billionaire businessmen in the world, such as Bill Gates, Warren Buffett. One the one hand they have made their fortunes through fair and legitimate means, on the other hand they enjoy closed relationships with others and are full of passion for the work in which they are engaged.

Life would become insignificant without quality personal relationships with families and friends. Every dollar we earned would be worthless if we don’t have companions with whom to share our success and failure, joys and sorrows. Besides strong relationships, genuine success requires a fulfilling vocation too. Some people are born into rich families or generate substantial wealth through lucky circumstances, such as buying a winning lottery ticket. Despite being wealthy, these individuals would not qualify as success unless they had a career or purpose in life to keep them positive and nurture their souls.

Everyone is eager to be a successful man but not everyone can do it. It req

  • 王丽雪

    19:00-20:30 19:00-20:30



  • 环球网校

    15:00-18:00 15:00-18:00



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