大学英语四级阅读练习Examination a Necessary Evil
【导语】大学英语四级长篇阅读是四级考试的重点复习内容,特别考验考生短时间内抓取重点信息的能力,适当的做题可以训练考生的做题速度,今天小编整理了大学英语四级阅读练习Examination a Necessary Evil的内容,一起来看下!
In spite of the fact that examinations have been hated by most of the studentsas well as someteachers for decades,they still survive and show no signs of fading away.
In our system of education today,examinations are a common feature. Our present educationsystem has often been criticized as too examination-oriented. However, one must rememberthat in offices and other areas of work, examinations still feature clearly. There is no doubt thatthe fear and influence of examination cause much preparation work. So it therefore appears thatexaminations, whether considered good or bad, would stay for a while as a test of humanknowledge. Examinations are meant to test the intellect of a person, how much he knows orhow he has learnt from a particular course. It is designed to make students study, whichshould be their immediate mission in life. In our competitive world of today, examinationshave a highly selecting role. In the university, students have to pass annual examinationsbefore they are allowed to continue, or study a harder syllabus.
Moreover, for entrance into a university, the results of the examination that they take previousto their entrance would provide a guide as to whether a student has the minimum qualificationsnecessary. In offices whether government or private ones, examination results show clearlywhether a person is fit for promotion.
The results indicate how much he knows about the work and in what areas he has to beimproved for his future accomplishments.
In all these cases, examinations inculcate a spirit of hard work and competition. Students andoffice workers alike can refresh their mind again and again on what they have learnt as far astheir studies or work are concerned. This maintains a certain individual and overall standardof knowledge.
以上就是大学英语四级阅读练习Examination a Necessary Evil的内容,长篇阅读的一个重要特点就是根据题目的“题眼”快速在文章中找到答案,克服精读精益求精的习惯,做到有信息处精读,无信息处略读,略读处一扫而过。
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