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1. [望文生义]根据所学词根的知识推测下列单词的词义。

① revocable a.

② irrevocable a.

2. [词义判断]选择最恰当的词义。

① equivoke n.   A.地震   B.天平   C.双关语

② univocal a.   A.单义的  B.团结的  C.单一的

3. [寻根问底]指出下列单词的词根并领会其词义的由来。

① vociferate v.大声地说;叫喊

vociferance n.叫喊;喧嚷

vociferous a.叫喊的;喧嚷的;大事声张的

② convoke v.召集……开会;召集(会议)

convocation n.召集;集会

③ devocalize v.使(浊音)变成清音

④ equivocate v.支吾;含糊其词;躲闪;推诿

equivocator n.含糊其词的人

⑤ voiceful a.有音的;高声的;声音嘈杂的

voiceless a.无声的;沉默的;无发言权的

⑥ invoice n.发票;装货清单

⑦ equivocal a.多义的;模棱两可的

equivocality n.多义性;模棱两可

4. [节外生枝] voc还有三个异体 vouch,vox,vow。vouch是voc在古法语中的变体;vox是vocis的主格形式;vow来自vox。

① vouch v.担保;证明;确定地说

vouchsafe v.赐予;允诺

vouchee n.被担保人

voucher n.担保人

② avouch v.主张;断言;保证;公开承认

③ vox n.声音

④ vowel n.元音;元音字母 a.元音的

vowelize v.加元音符号于

vowelless a.无元音的

100. volv, volut [L]=to roll滚,转

这是我们在第二部分中介绍的最后一个词根。volv来自拉丁动词volvere,意为to roll(滚动)或to turn(转动)。volut是这个动词的动名词词干。此外,这个词根还有vol和volt两个异体。

involve [in-=into进入;volv=to roll滚,卷;-e→“to roll into滚进去,卷入”→] v.① bring into(trouble, difficulty, etc.)使卷入;使陷入:to get involved in an argument卷入纠纷② include as a necessary part必须包含:Building a good vocabulary involves much effort.扩大词汇量的过程包含着许多的努力。

▽involvement [involve;-ment n.] n.卷入;牵连;包含

involution [in-;volut;-ion n.] n.卷入;纠缠

revolve [re-=back回;volv=to roll滚,转;-e→“to roll back;to roll around转回去,转圈圈”→] v.① move in a circle around a center;rotate旋转;周转:The earth revolves around the sun.地球绕太阳周转。② occur regularly again and again周期性发生:Seasons revolve every year.季节年年循环。

▽revolver [revolv(e);-er n.] n.旋转者;左轮手枪;转炉

revolution [revolut=to revolve旋转,循环;-ion n.=the act or result表行为或结果→] n.① revolving旋转,循环:the revolution of the earth around the sun地球绕日运转一周 ② complete turning or changing in society, outlook, etc. 变革;革命:Sometimes revolutions are the locomotives of history.有时革命是历史前进的火车头。

▽revolutionary [revolution;-ary a.] a.革命的 n.革命者

revolutionize [revolution;-ize v.] v.使革命化;使彻底改革

volume [vol (volv)=to roll卷;-ume n.=thing物→“thing that rolls up卷起来的东西”→] n. roll or scroll which is the form of an ancient book;book一卷(古书卷成一卷);一册:The novel is in three volumes.这部小说有三卷。

▽voluminous [volum(e);-in;-ous a.] a.多卷的;著作多的

evolve [e-(ex-)=out外;volv=to roll卷动;-e→“to roll out, or to unroll向外卷动,展开”→] v. ① unfold; develop 展开;发展:His idea evolved into a plan for increasing production.他的想法发展为一项增产的计划。② develop from a lower to a higher stage 演变,进化:Man has evolved from the ape.人是从类人猿进化来的。

▽evolution [e-;volut;-ion n.] n.发展;展开;进化

evolutive [e-;volut;-ive a.] a.(促进)发展的;(促进)进化的

devolve [de-=down下;volv=to roll滚,转;-e→] v. ① roll down or flow down滚下;流下② hand down;pass over in succession转移;移交:He has devolved his duties upon me.他已经把工作移交给我了。

▽devolution [de-;volut;-ion n.] n.(责任等的)转移;移交

revolt [re-=back, against回,抗;volt (volut)=to roll or turn转→“to roll back or to turn against转回头,转而相抗”→]Ⅰv. rise in rebellion造反,反叛:The peasants revolted against the landlords.农民起来造地主的反。→Ⅱn. uprising; rebellion against authority 起义;反叛:armed revolts武装起义

voluble [volu (volut)=to roll滚;转;-ble (-able) a.=easy to易……的→] a. ① easy to roll易滚动的;易旋转的:the voluble and restless earth旋转不息的地球② flowing smoothly in speech说话流利的:voluble speaker言语流畅的演说家

▽volubly [volub(le);-ly ad.] ad.流利地;滔滔不绝地


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