Music is the important part of my life. The world needs music to amuse people's life. As they live in the fast pace, music can bring them the great joy and relax. Since I was very small, I fell in love with music and every time when I heard music, my body would move and feel relaxed. The function of music is various.
There is a famous song, which called let the music heal your soul. A lot of young people have their favorite singers. When they see their idols face to face, they would say thank you to the singers, because their songs inspire these young people to move on in the dark days. The songs deliver positive messages to the public and inspire them to never give up.
Listening to the music is the main way for the young people to release their pressure. Every day before I sleep, I will listen to the light music, which helps me to take relax and make me sleep well. The reason why so many people like to KTV after their work lies in releasing pressure. They need to shout and then forget about the annoyance.
Music is favored by everyone and it is the indispensable part of our life.
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