1.Medical schools teach a specific way to conduct an office visit. Part one is the complaint. ______. Part two is the physical exam.
答案D:It is also called the description of your problem.
2.______. Even though I've been a doctor for many years, I tend to be a little nervous when I'm the one sitting on the exam table.
答案B: Of course, that's easier said than done.
3.If I haven't prepared, I lose track of the details I intended to share. ______. When the doctor asks you questions, you can be more specific, and the diagnosis and treatment will be more accurate.
答案E: So I take a few minutes to write down some crucial details.
To keep children healthy, parents protect their children against disease with 36K:medicine, and gardeners do the same with insect repellent.
To nourish them, parents 37H:give children vitamins, and gardeners use fertilizer, as both promote healthy growth.
While plants die or become 38D:inactive during winter, children 39F:still maintain an important role in the family, and parents will find their 40I:responsibility does not come to an end.
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