上周我们少儿英语故事说到Pandora在自己的努力下成功减肥,实现了新年愿望。这几天,Happy Forest却发生了一件事——Andrew的钱包丢了。其实这已经不是第一次了,最近很多居民都丢了钱包。大家怀疑森林里出现了一个小偷,却始终没有抓到他。
That was, though, until one day when Andrew and Oxford were sitting on the bus going to school. They saw Teacher Rolin, and wanted to go say hello, but then they saw a fox rummaging through Teacher Rolin’s bag. That must be the thief!
Oxford was very angry, and stepped forward to grab the thief, but was stopped by coolheaded Andrew, who said, “He’s an adult. We’re no match for him, and probably can’t hold him.” Oxford watched the thief take Teacher Rolin’s wallet, and felt even more anxious: “We have to do something! We can’t just let him get away!”
Andrew thought a moment, walked to the bus driver, and said, “Sir, the fox there stole a wallet!” The driver heard this, nodded, and drove to the police station.
A policeman got on the bus, quickly took the fox, and gave Teacher Rolin her wallet back.
Teacher Rolin patted Andrew and Oxford on the head. “I’m really proud of you,” she said. “Oxford, you were very brave, and Andrew, you were very smart. If you encounter another situation like this again, remember not to act impulsively. Tell an adult nearby, and let them handle it. This way, the bad guy won’t escape, and you will be safe.”
Thanks to Andrew and Oxford, there was no longer a thief loose in the forest.
The new semester had begun, and Teacher Rolin had arranged for everyone to clean the classroom together, but Jimmy didn’t complete his assignment. Why? We’ll find out next week.
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