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发布时间:2019-06-03 23:36 来源:环球网校 点击量: 500

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  Victor made a suggestion. “Why don’t we take turns caring for the cactus? A different person can take care of it each week, and we’ll see how big it can get!” Everyone agreed, so Victor was the first to bring the cactus home.


  Victor excitedly watered and fertilized the cactus, but after a week it didn’t grow even a tiny bit.


  Victor disappointedly brought the cactus to Pandora’s house. She said confidently, “Let me handle it. I can make it grow.” Pandora put the cactus in the sun, and sang to it every day, but it didn’t change at all.


  Pandora was also disappointed, and brought the cactus to Oxford’s house. He heard the cactus wasn’t growing, so he ran to the library and found a book on plants. It said that only green cacti would grow big, so Oxford grabbed his paint set and painted the cactus green. He thought that now the cactus would finally start to grow. Sadly, though, after a week, it still hadn’t grown.


  The cactus was now at Junior’s house. He had also heard it wasn’t growing, and was very anxious. He thought maybe it just needed a little help, so he put on his gloves and pulled the cactus up out of the ground ever so slightly. It looked as if it had gotten taller. Junior was very happy, and pulled the cactus out of the dirt a little more each day.


  But on the last day of the week, the cactus died. Junior began to cry as he told his classmates the news, but Teacher Rolin just laughed. “You were all anxious for it to grow. You did different things to the cactus to try to make it grow, but the end result is that you killed it. Did you know that cacti grow very slowly? You wanted to help it, but you only hurt it. You can’t be worried about it, but just let it happen.”


  Only then did they understand what foolish thing they’d done. They decided to bring the cactus back to the park, but saw Iris sitting down and sulking.


  Why? What happened? We’ll find out next week!


  • 张方

    19:00-20:00 19:00-20:00 05月21日 19:00-20:00



  • 环球网校

    19:00-19:51 19:00-19:51 05月23日 19:00-19:51



  • 黄静

    19:00-20:30 19:00-20:30 05月23日 19:00-20:30

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