一、 圈出你听到的字母或者单词。
1. b d h 2. g j a
3. h i e 4. c e k
5. a. lemon b. melon 6. a. moon b. mooncake
7. a. up b. down 8. a. peach b. pear
9. a. eat b. wash 10. a. this b. that
二、 圈出你听到的句子。
1. a. Open your eyes. b. Close your mouth.
2. a. Look at your hands. b. Wash your hands.
3. a. Smell the melon. b. Feel the lemon.
4. a. What do you like to eat? b. What‘s this?
5. a. Give me a rubber, please. b. Give me a ruler, please.
1. a. Fine, thank you. b. I am five years old.
2. a. I like to eat mooncakes. b. I like to draw.
3. a. It is an apple. b. Yes, it is.
4. a. Yes, I can sing. b. I can dance.
5. a. Here you are. b. Thank you.
1. a. Fine, thank you. b. I am five years old.
2. a. I like to eat mooncakes. b. I like to draw.
3. a. It is an apple. b. Yes, it is.
4. a. Yes, I can sing. b. I can dance.
5. a. Here you are. b. Thank you.
一、 正确抄写下列字母。
b c e a d
二 、看中文,说单词
滑滑梯 秋千 气球 球 自行车 洋娃娃 芋艿 月饼 叶子 蛋糕 豆 月亮
三、 朗读下列单词
swing silde ball bicycle ball doll taro leaf bean mooncake moon balloon
a) Go to the silde.
b) Pick up the doll.
c) He has got a ball.
d) She has got a doll.
e) What has he got?
f) What has she got?
g) This is Tom. He has got a bicycle. It is yellow.
h) This is May. She has got a balloon. It is pink.
i) --Tom, I have got a doll. What have you got?
--I have got a ball. It is red.
--Let‘s play togther.
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