Chaplin was an extraordinary performer who starred in and directed many outstanding comedies. Few were bored watching his moustache, his gestures or his entertaining reactions when chased by detectives. Being drunk, sliding on a banana skin or whispering his own failures to nobody, he made us feel more content with our life without any verbal explanation. His particular sense of humor has astonished everybody throughout the world up to now.
In a small budget film, he played a badly-off and homeless person wearing worn-out shoes and messy clothes. On one occasion, he was trapped by a snowstorm in a vast mountainous area. Though he overcame many difficulties, he wasn’t fortunate enough. With all the porridge eaten up, he picked out a shoe and boiled it to eat. He cut off the leather bottom and chewed it like a pancake. According to an actress, his acting was so convincing and amusing that everybody couldn’t help bursting into laughter.
Sir Charles Spencer Charlie Chaplin (April 6, 1889 - December 25, 1977) was an English comedian and anti war activists, later became a very good directors, especially in the early and middle of the Hollywood film he was very successful and active.
He laid the foundation for modern comedy film, with Buster Keeton and Harold Lloyd was known as "the world's three major comedian", Chaplin wears a bowler hat and dress looks almost became an important representative of the comedy movie, many artists have performed later in his own way for reference.
The best Chaplin's role as the appearance of a tramp, inner bearing, a gentleman who wore a thin dress, oversized trousers and shoes, wearing a bowler hat, holding a bamboo cane, wears a moustache image.
In the era of silent film Chaplin is one of the largest figure to and influence. The preparation of his own, director, performance, issued his own movie. From the Grand Theatre in the UK as a child actor on the stage, to his death at the age of 88, his occupation career of more than 70 years. From a Dickens like London childhood has reached the top of the world film industry, Chaplin has become a cultural icon.
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