Jolly Pirates
Oh jolly pirates we
That sail the deep blue sea
To find the golden treasure
for sails are high yipee
Oh jolly pirates we
That sail the deep blue sea
To find the golden treasure
Oh jolly pirate we
The Recycling Song
Recycle recycle
W're going to recycle
Tin cans bottles newspaper
Recycle recycle
W're going to recycle
The Train Song
Grandpa's little train
goes Choo Choo Choo,
Choo Choo Choo, Choo Choo Choo.
Grandpa's little train
goes Choo Choo Choo all day long.
And the piggies on the train
go Oink Oink Oink,
Oink Oink Oink, Oink Oink Oink.
and the piggies on the train
go Oink Oink Oink all day long.
Grandpa's little train
goes Choo Choo Choo,
Choo Choo Choo, Choo Choo Choo.
Grandpa's little train
goes Choo Choo Choo all day long.
Birdy Birdy, Woof Woof
The bird go woof and the dogs go tweet
woof tweet woof tweet
woof woof woof
the sheep go moo and the cows go baaa
moo baa woof tweet woof baa moo tweet
woof woof woof
Christmas Tree Song
Little star on the Christmas tree
goes twinkle twinkle twinkle twee
What a charming song
and all the little piggies on Christmas eve go oink oink oink
oink oink oink
Lovely Peppa Now it's time to
Wait there's more oink oink oink oink oink
Sweet little star on the Christmas Tree
The Wheels on the Bus
The wheels on the bus go round and round
round and round round and round
the wheels on the bus go round and round
all day long
The fish in the bowl swims round and round
round and round round and round
The fish in the bowl swims round and round
all day long
The Counting Song
Let's counting to ten
One two three four five
six seven eight nine ten
Seaside Holiday
We are going on a seaside holiday.
Sandcastles swimming and sunny sky.
We are going on a seaside holiday.
Sea and sand and icecream too.
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