1、老师叫孩子们过来,她会说:Come here, children.
3、新学期开始了,你又见到了Amy,你对她说:Nice to see you again!
她会说:Nice to see you, too!
4、妇女节(3月8日)到了,你对妈妈说:Happy Women’s Day!
Happy Children’s Day! 他会对你说:Thank you! Happy Children’s Day!
6、你想知道对方是谁,你会问:Who are you?
如果她是Amy,她会回答:I’m Amy.
8、早晨老师在课前向同学们问好,说:Good morning, boys and girls!
Boys and girls, we have two new friend s today.
10、新的学期又开始了,同学们又回到了学校,老师说:Welcome back to school!
男:Hello, Im Ben. May I ask you some questions?
男:What is your fathers name?
男:Then, What is your mothers name?
男:Are you joking?
女:No! Thats my sister! I am Kidding. By the way, are you a census staff?
男:Of course not. 女:Go ahead.
男:OK. Your name is Kidding. Kidding, I'm going to start a
band. Will you join us?
女:Sure, Ben. I'd love to be in a band
男:OK, good. Which instrument do you play? I heard that you
can play piano very well.
女:Piano? I don't play an instrument actually.
男:What are you good at?
女:I sing. I like music with great lyrics.
男: So do I. Who else do you think can join us?
女:Well, Dave is supposed to be a good one.
男:Really? What does he like?
女:He prefers quiet music.
男:Good. How about Harry? He plays the guitar, doesn’t he?
女:Yes, but Harry loves loud music such as disco .
男:That's OK. I often go to disco with my friends.
女:You mean we can play both loud music and quiet music?
男:Why not?
女:What kind of music style do you prefer, Ben?
男:Oh, I like music that I can dance to. But we have one problem with our band
女:what is it?
男:I'm not a musician and I can't sing.
女:Are you joking?
男:No, thats your sisters name. Just now I was kidding.
女:Well, that makes sense?!
A: good morning. I’m thinking about buying some new furniture for my living room. Could you help me?
B: certainly. As you can see, we have several three-piece suites on sale. Feel free to sit down and test how comfortable they are.
A: I came to your store yesterday and have come back today to make a final decision. I think I like the black leather suite. It’s on a real bargain.
B: yes. The price has been reduced by 50%. It’s a real bargain.
A: I’ll take it. I also need to improve the lighting in my living room. Do you have any suggestions?
B: those floor lamps are very nice and you can vary the brightness according to whether you’re reading or watching tv. How big is your living room?
A: it’s quite large. It’s about 40 square metres.
B: I’d suggest you buy two. That allows you to change the brightness of the room better.
A: ok. I like the design of this lamps. I also need some cushion covers. I’ll just browse through those ones over there.
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