发布时间:2019-03-18 10:33 来源:环球网校
点击量: 979
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from above
- He brought out of his coat a pocketbook bound by a leather thong.
他从上衣兜里掏出一个用皮条扎起来的皮夹子。 - There is a hole in the shaft through which the air from the upper chamber enters the lower one.
腔筒中心有一孔道,压缩空气就是由此从上气室进入下气室的。 - He works backwards, building a house from the top downwards.
他把工序倒过来了,从上往下建房子。 - Rooted vegetation takes water upward and sunlight downward.
生根的植物从下往上吸收水分,从上往下吸收阳光。 - From the above evidence it appears that milk thistle is very helpful in cases of acute mushroom poisoning.
从上面陈述的证据来说,奶蓟草对于蘑菇中毒病例似乎有帮助。 - And then you have the real answer to the question, “When is a man old?”
从上面的几个例子中你可以看出“人的衰老是在什么时候”的真正答案了。 - A shaft driven upward is called a raise; one that is driven downward is known as a winze.
从下往上开拓出来的井筒叫天井;从上往下开拓出来的井筒叫盲井。 - Norman says he hasn't had a drink since last month, but he'd swear black is white if it suited him.
诺曼说自己从上个月以来他没有喝过酒,不过如果对他合适,他是会颠倒黑白的。 - A system that had been ingrained for generations could not be easily undone by change from the top(Doris Kearns Goodwin)
一个已经好几代人都根深蒂固的系统很难靠从上加以演变来破坏(多丽丝·克恩斯·古德温) - Some glance about awkwardly, but none dare raise their hand, or break the silent vigil they've kept since primary school
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