发布时间:2019-02-28 10:22 来源:环球网校
点击量: 1036
少儿英语报名、考试、查分时间 免费短信提醒
- Your prompt reply in this matter would be greatly appreciated.
敬请尽速赐复为感。 - Presents of high officials
羔雁之赐 - Pleas frequently give me a compass
南针时赐 - A hundred volume of books graciously given by the emperor
赐书百倦 - I am looking forward to hearing from you soon.
期待您们尽早赐复。 - Kindly quote us your lowest prices for the goods listed below.
请将下列货品的最低价格赐知 - I have read with pleasure your complimentary letter.
承赐贺函,捧读之余,不胜欣幸。 - Who does Jacob acknowledge as the giver of children?
雅各认为赐儿女者是谁? - Getting a plaque like this from an emperor was not easy then.
能得到皇帝赐的这块匾太不容易了。 - "They may give him the honors of the sack."
vi. 屈尊
vt. 赐予
- The senator never deigned to bandy words with members of the opposition
这位参议员从不屑于与反对派人士争吵。 - They don’t move a user towards his goal; they are overhead that the applications demand before they deign to assist that person.
在其设计成为协助用户之前,程序的要求是一种额外开支。 - I proceeded (as is right) from caress to speech, and said,
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