发布时间:2019-02-28 10:45 来源:环球网校
点击量: 1477
少儿英语报名、考试、查分时间 免费短信提醒
this moment
- The area at this time was generally termed the Eastern Roman Empire.
此时该地区通称东罗马帝国。 - Then his inconvenience became distress.
此时,他已从手头不便落到一文不名的境地。 - At this point Lactobacillus plantarum and Lactobacillus brevis continue to function.
此时植物乳杆菌和短乳杆菌继续起作用。 - Singapore had just emerged relatively unscathed from the Asian economic crisis and the market was booming again.
此时的新加坡刚从波及全亚洲的经济危机中走出来,市场又恢复了往日的繁荣。 - held a gourd full of rum to his mouth
的人,此时他正拿着一满瓢甜酒凑到他的嘴边 - Now I return to a girl being because girls are quiet and obedient, they only know to study hard and work hard.
我此时又回到了女儿身.因为女孩子文文静静,乖乖巧巧,知道用功和努力。 - She looked up at him with twinkling eyes, as if waiting for a clear-cut answer
此时眉卿也抬起头来看着她父亲,眼皮似笑非笑的,仿佛定要她父亲给一个明明白白的解答。 - Carla was growing more hopeful by the mile and by the minute
卡拉此时更加满怀希望。 - Go while the going is good.
此时不走,更待何时? - Can't replicate at this time.
n. 片刻,瞬间;时机;重要;力矩,矩
- at this exigent moment
在此危急关头 - On the spur of the moment
一时冲动 - stalling moment
失速力矩|使气流离体力矩 - He relaxed for a moment.
他浑身放松了一会。 - At the very moment, there was a loud crack.
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