发布时间:2019-02-28 10:25 来源:环球网校
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false pride
- It evidently pained his vanity to be beholden to the orphan for succor
显然,向一个孤儿的救济表示感谢,伤到了他的虚荣心。 - The self-abasement of his companion completely got the better of the passing feeling of the personal vanity
伙伴的一番自谦的话挫败了他一时的虚荣心,使他无词可答了。 - He told a lie out of vanity.
他由于虚荣心作怪而说谎。 - A man's vanity is actually in proportion to ignorance
一个人的虚荣心实际上和他的愚蠢程度成正比 - He did it to feed her vanity.
他那么做是为了满足她的虚荣心。 - His vanity was hurt by their talking so frankly.
他们坦率的谈话伤害了他的虚荣心。 - The chairman was tired of his work, but his vanity goaded him on
主席对他的工作已厌倦了,但虚荣心驱使他不得不干下去。 - His vanity sticks out so manifestly that it is evident to all.
他的虚荣心如此明显地突出,大家都看得清楚。 - That form of male vanity is by no means absent from the seafaring tribe today
这种形式的强烈虚荣心在现代化航海为业的民族中也决能免除。 - I've said I did not love her, and rather relished mortifying her vanity now and then
adj. 错误的;不真实的;人造的;假的;不诚实的;不忠诚的
- This assumption is false in several ways.
这种推断是错误的,错在了多个方面。 - The statement is manifestly false.
这种说法明显不确。 - An act or instance of such falseness.
n. 自豪;自尊心;骄傲,傲慢
v. (使)得意,自豪
- pride oneself on
使得意 - Comfort is better than pride
安慰胜过傲慢 - That was a wound to the child's pride.
n. 自负,自大;虚荣(心),浮华;空虚,无聊的事物;无价值的东西
- There is no vanity in that.
这和自负没有关系。 - He did it to feed her vanity.
他那么做是为了满足她的虚荣心。 - He told a lie out of vanity.
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