发布时间:2019-02-28 10:20 来源:环球网校
点击量: 1221
少儿英语报名、考试、查分时间 免费短信提醒
- inordinate demands.
过分的需求。 - The aquaculture industry now provides almost half the fish eaten worldwide.
水产业在提供了全球一半吃鱼者的需求。 - It is best satisfied people's demand at a new historical period in China.
非常符合当时人们的心理需求 - Their competitors are caught napping while they are responding to complex prospect requirements.
他们正在回应复杂的潜在客户需求,而竞争对手却措手不及。 - That's an overwhelming increase in the need for automotive fuel.
这对汽车燃料的需求来说是巨大的增长。 - Such foods are useful in meeting the day's nutrient needs without exceeding the caloric requirement.
这类食物是有用的,它既能满足每日的营养需求又不超过总能量的需求量。 - Churn factor: Leased space to handle demand surge and space modifications.
暂时租用的办公用房:为解决用房需求的增加和装修而租用的房屋。 - They need the ability to reflate without having to constantly worry about satisfying capital market investor confidence.
亚洲必须取得通货回胀,却不能时时顾及投资者对资金市场投资信心的需求。 - "In doing so the marketer is likely to find out, however, that different buyers have different needs."
不过使用这种作法,营销者会发现不同的买家有不同的需求。 - Every Brute Heater is approved for 180°F. operation for sanitizing and other high-temperature requirements.
n. 需要;必需品;要求;必要条件;规定
- Is the requirement compulsory?
必须按这个需求做吗? - In practice, this will often require a prioritization of your job requirements.
实务上,这往往需要重新调整工作的优先顺序。 - All systems requiring accurate timing will require a crystal.
所有需要精确定时的系统都要用晶体。 - Excision of an obnoxious passage was required.
有一段引起反感的文字必须删掉。 - require or ask for as a price or condition.
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