发布时间:2019-02-28 10:11 来源:环球网校
点击量: 1771
少儿英语报名、考试、查分时间 免费短信提醒
demand ;quantity demanded
- Such foods are useful in meeting the day's nutrient needs without exceeding the caloric requirement.
这类食物是有用的,它既能满足每日的营养需求又不超过总能量的需求量。 - Coal is in great demand.
煤炭需求量很大 - The demand for tea is on the decrease each year.
茶叶的需求量逐年递减。 - Bronze continued to be in great demand.
青铜的需求量仍然很大。 - Books on popular science are in great demand.
通俗科学读物需求量很大。 - One ounce of almonds contains nearly half the recommended daily amount.
一盎司杏仁大约包含每日需求量的一半。 - The directors anticipated that demand would fall.
董事们预料需求量会降低。 - The increasing requirement add to the firmness of the market.
需求量的日益增长使得市场更加坚挺。 - For diabetics who work out, that means less of the hormone is needed
对糖尿病患者来说,锻炼意味着减少激素的需求量。 - By advertising widely, a manufacturer can amplify the demand for a product.
n. 要求,所需之物;需求,需要
v. 要求;询问,质问;命令;需要
- It is the demand, stupid.
傻瓜,答案是需求。 - Demand exceeds supply. The supply is not adequate to the demand.
供不应求 - I demand a recount.
n. 量,数量,许多,大量
- dimensionless quantity
无因次值|无量纲的量 - Bill of quantities: The specification of the quantity of materials to be used.
工程量清单;建筑工程清单;数量清单:指项目所用材料的数量及其规格的清单。见priced bill of guantities - Quality is better than quantity
n. 要求,所需之物;需求,需要
v. 要求;询问,质问;命令;需要
- It is the demand, stupid.
傻瓜,答案是需求。 - Demand exceeds supply. The supply is not adequate to the demand.
供不应求 - I demand a recount.
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