发布时间:2019-02-28 10:09 来源:环球网校
点击量: 886
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bowl out
- debunk a supposed miracle drug.
戳穿一种所谓的神奇药物 - Mary was caught fibbing.She sure spread it on thick.
玛丽的谎话被戳穿了。她必然要讨好别人。 - A nail on the road punctured the tyre
路上的钉子把车胎戳穿了。 - It was not my design to surprise a secret.
我不是故意要戳穿一个秘密。 - Facts cannot be altered; lies must be exposed.
事实不容篡改,谎言必须戳穿。 - The myth that eating carrots improves your eyesight was exploded years ago.
吃胡萝卜能改善视力的瞎话几年前就被戳穿了。 - The rumor weaves the fairy tale, you do not pierce, that is a love.
谎言所编织的童话,你不去戳穿,便是爱情。 - If a barrier separating the two sides is punctured, the air rushes to equalize its distribution in space
如果戳穿中间的隔板,空气就会冲来冲去,直到在空间均匀分布为止。 - I always delight in overthrowing those kind of schemes, and cheating a person of his premeditated contempt for me
n. 碗;一碗的量;碗状物;碗状部分;圆形露天剧场;木球;保龄球
v. 玩滚木球或保龄球;投(球)
- She dished the strawberries into the bowl.
她将草莓盛入碗中。 - Fill the sugar bowl, please.
请把糖碗装满。 - A player in cricket begins to bowl.
板球戏中的投球手开始投球。 - These bowls are the (very) devil to clean.
这些锅太难洗干净了。 - Roughly crumble the cheese into a bowl.
adv. 出外;在外;离岸;出现;问世;大声地;完全;用完;不流行
adj. 外侧的;偏僻的
prep. 通过…而出;沿着…而去
n. 借口,托辞
pref. 外,超过,出,向外
- be out for the count
拳击者被击倒后经裁判数到十秒还站不起来|被判失败|打输|被打败 - Out of the Blue
从天上掉下来 - Out of power, he is out of favour.
当他失去权力之后,他也就不再受人欢迎。 - One that is out, especially one who is out of power.
在野者在外的人,尤指政治上的在野派。 - "Out of office, out of danger"
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