发布时间:2019-02-22 11:15 来源:环球网校
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traditional culture
- Could afford up to forty-five Bucks a throw to wax sentimental over their heritage.
花四十五元获得享受传统文化熏陶的机会。 - Traditional cultural spirit and modern times’ cultural spirit interweave and struggle.
传统文化精神与近现代文化精神交织并搏斗。 - Zhouyi is the origin of Chinese traditional culture because of its profoundness.
《周易》内容博大精深,是中国几千年传统文化的渊源。 - The folk songs of SHE-Minority are the treasure of She traditional culture.
畲族民歌是畲族传统文化中的瑰宝。 - Water has its fountainhead and tree has its root. China traditional culture's basic is in Pre-qin Dynasty.
水有源,树有根,中国传统文化的根源在先秦。 - During this period, Dai learned traditional Chinese culture from art masters such as Zhang Daqian and Ye Qianyu.
在此期间,她与艺术大师张大千、叶浅予等交往学习中国传统文化。 - Because it embodied the traditional cultural values of clarity, fineness, simplicity and far-sightedness
adj. 传统的,惯例的;因袭的
- He deserted this classical tradition.
他抛弃了古典的传统。 - the traditional breakfast is congee,
传统的早餐一般包括粥, - It indicates the antiquity of the tradition.
这表明该传统源远流长。 - These traditions have endured throughout the ages.
这些传统世代相传至今。 - Support for traditional parties has fragmented.
n. 文化,文明;修养;栽培,培养(物)
v. 培养
- This culture may interfuse with other foreign cultures.
这种文化可能与其他外来文化相吻合。 - Advancing culture is bound to triumph over declining culture.
先进的文化必然战胜没落的文化。 - They are the people from diverse cultures.
他们是些有着不同文化背景的人。 - The exhibition was sponsored by the Society of Culture.
这个展览是由文化学会主办的。 - There are many cultural attractions in Beijing.
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