发布时间:2019-02-22 11:03 来源:环球网校
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(v) tower
(v) stand tall and erect, upright
- The rock rises sheer from the water.
崖石矗立水面。 - The Forbidden City has four imposing gates and at each comer is an exquisitely designed watch tower.
紫禁城有4个富丽堂皇的大门,在城四角矗立着风格绮丽的角楼。 - The hills seem to thrust straight out of the open plain, some in clusters, some in solitary loftiness.
山峦似乎从平原拔起,有的群峰簇拥,有的孤峰矗立。 - The hills seem to thrust straight out of the open plain, some in clusters, some in solitary loftiness
山峦似乎从平原拔起,有的群峰簇拥,有的孤峰矗立。 - The castle stands out against the sky.
这座城堡矗立天际。 - A factory stands gutted and deserted.
一座内部被毁的废置工厂矗立在那里。 - "And over her grave, the infamy that she must carry thither would be her only monument."
而她必将带到坟墓中去的那个耻辱,将是矗立在她坟上的唯一墓碑。 - A prehistoric megalithic structure consisting of two or more upright stones with a capstone,typically forming a chamber.
n. 塔;堡垒
v. 高耸;超越
- sketch of the tower
对那座塔作素描 - A small tower or tower-shaped projection on a building.
塔楼,角塔建筑物上伸出的小型塔或塔状建筑 - The towers are surfaced with steel plates.
n. 站立;架,台;售货摊;看台;态度,立场;停止;抵抗;证人席;停车候客处v. 位于;维持原状;竖放;经得起;起立;持…态度;参选;站立;处于;高度为
- Stand for governor
做州长候选人 - The business is at a stand.
业务陷入停顿状态。 - a standing army
常备军,5. 固定的,不能移动的,6. 【印】(版面)排好后保留的,n.1. 站立[U]2. 站立处[C]3. 身份;地位;名望[U]4. 名次表[P]5. 持续时间[U]
adj. 高的;过分的;夸张的
adv. 夸张地
- How to top a tall tree?
如何给大树截顶? - She was tall, blonde, and attractive.
她个子高挑,金发碧眼,非常迷人。 - They indulge in tall talk.
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