发布时间:2019-02-22 11:22 来源:环球网校
点击量: 911
少儿英语报名、考试、查分时间 免费短信提醒
- To select and examine thoroughly
简练揣摩 - I simply couldn't figure out his intention.
我简直揣摩不透他的用意。 - I just can't fathom out his intention.
我就是揣摩不透他的意图。 - He laughed dryly as I tried to make sense of his ramblings
我尽量去揣摩他那漫无头绪的话意,而他却干笑着。 - George’s disciples elaborated the hints and sayings of the master into a body of criticism.
乔治的追随者们揣摩他的一些想法和意见,发展成一套批评理论。 - My associate Helmut Sonnenfeldt was psychologically more adept
我的同事赫尔穆特?索南费尔特比较善于揣摩心理。 - She sat opposite him on the bench and studied him wryly, appraisingly, curiously
她坐在他对面的凳子上,仔细打量着他--带着嘲笑、揣摩和好奇的神情。 - His face was burning; the girl watched him so closely, studying him, smiling slyly, and maybe could smell his breath
n. 推测,猜想,揣摩
v. 推测,猜想,揣摩
- This statement conjecture is not well founded on.
这个猜想并没有正当的根据。 - Jermy Taylor conjectures that it may be as painful to be born as to die
哲里米·泰勒认为生或许像死一样痛苦。 - I do not conjecture an immediate drop in demand.
我推测需求不会马上降低。 - This statement / conjecture / suspicion is not well founded on.
这个陈述;想像;疑念并没有正当的根据。 - Neither of them could conjecture what was the cause of Cassy’s fainting
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