发布时间:2019-02-20 16:18 来源:环球网校
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- Peace feeler
和平触角 - A journalist with an infallible nose(ie instinct)for a story.
触角敏锐的新闻记者。 - The snail is pushing out its horns.
蜗牛正在伸出它的触角。 - A snail extrudes its horns.
一只蜗牛伸出它的触角。 - Trifurcate antennae;trifurcate ribs.
分成三叉的触角;分成三枝的肋骨 - an espionage network with far - reaching tentacles.
触角伸得很远的谍报网络 - The scape is the first or basal segment of the antenna
柄节是触角的第一节或基节。 - At Celia's request, Tom, through his many contacts, had put out feelers to discover what was happening
应西莉亚的请求,汤姆利用他的众多关系,伸出了触角,了解正在发生情况。 - The snail drew in its feelers.
蜗牛把触角缩了回去。 - A sensory or tactile organ,such as an antenna,a tentacle,or a barbel.
n. 触角,触须;天线
- The scape is the first or basal segment of the antenna
柄节是触角的第一节或基节。 - If you have installed an outside antenna, you will have better reception.
如果你安装了室外天线,你的电视接受效果会好点。 - The headphone cord functions as the FM antenna.
耳机导线也具有FM天线的功能。 - The geometric scaling method of the standard antenna is studied here.
在此研究了标准天线的几何定标方法。 - It's antenna has reached every aspect of social life.
n. 试探;触角
- The letter was a feeler to see how he would look upon such a movement.
这封信是一种试探,看看他如何看待这种运动。 - He sent out a few cautious feelers and received some contradictory answers.
他作过几次谨慎的试探,得到的答复前后不一。 - I am putting out feeler to see if he'd like to come and work for us.
我正在试探他,看他是否愿意来为我们工作。 - What bothered him was that Churchill might use the incident to pretend to Germany's allies that Hitler was extending a peace feeler
使他感到烦恼的是,邱吉尔可能利用这次事件向德国的盟国诡称,希特勒正在伸出和平的触须。 - At Celia's request, Tom, through his many contacts, had put out feelers to discover what was happening
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