发布时间:2019-02-20 16:03 来源:环球网校
点击量: 1737
少儿英语报名、考试、查分时间 免费短信提醒
- Behind the eight ball
处境危险,无可救药。 - An unfavorable condition or position; a disadvantage
不利的情形或处境;弊端 - Conditions in which young mothers feel virtually imprisoned in their own homes
年轻的母亲感到的居家如坐牢一般的处境. - His first foreign aid message in late March illustrated his quandary.
他在三月底提出的第一个援外咨文,就表明了他的困难处境。 - He could not bear this continual paradox in which he and the other officers lived.
他们这些当官的天天都在无法自圆其说的处境中过日子,他实在受不了。 - The drummer seemed to be swayed between the interest of a foreigner and a perception of personal danger
推销员既有外乡人的好奇心,颇想探个究竟,又意识到自己的处境危险,所以有些举棋不定。 - Nixon, whatever his travail, would see it through
尼克松置他的痛苦处境于不顾,坚决要把这件事干到底。 - I wonder how the other 10 million unemployed are coping with their personal hobgoblins
在上千万的失业者中,我不知道别人是怎样应付他们个人的可怕处境的。 - Be in a sorry [pitiable, wretched] plight
处境困窘 - He is in a tight spot.
n. 境况,困境
v. 约定
- the plight of redundant miners
被裁减的矿工的困境 - They plighted their troth for the rest of their days.
他们俩盟誓结为终身伴侣。 - Men in a desperate plight will try anything.
病急乱投医。 - The plight of the Kurds gained global visibility.
库尔德人的困境受到了全球的关注。 - An advocate for the homeless gave a stirring speech about their plight.
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