发布时间:2019-02-20 16:55 来源:环球网校
点击量: 528
少儿英语报名、考试、查分时间 免费短信提醒
The people of Chu
n. 人,人们;人民,民族;雇员,支持者;客人,朋友;家人,亲人
v. 居住在,把...挤满人
- They are the unworldly people.
他们是无俗念的人们。 - Compare person,persons,people and peoples.
试比较person.persons,people,和people的用法 - The government of the people, by the people, and for the people shall not perish from the earth.
民有、民治、民享的政府永世长存。 - The people who will be on the committee are moral, cultured, competent people.
将要加入委员会的是那些有道德、有文化、有能力的人。 - Could it be applicable only to people in the East and not people in the West?
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- They reflect the charm of the culture of the Chu Kingdom.
这些精美的漆器体现了楚文化的神韵。 - They are the earliest and most superb lacquerware of the Chu Kingdom of the Warring States Period.
这些漆器是楚墓中年代最早也是最为精彩的 - Although some of Chu literature relate to the creation in modem public art,never works express chu ci poesy. It is a great pity and loss. The culture of Chu'srepresentation is the most quintessential culture in Chu culture,which approach art and emotion of artists.
楚文学在当代公共艺术创作中有过一些再现和表达,而与《楚辞》有关的公共艺术创作几乎是一片空白,这不能不说是一个巨大的遗憾和损失,作为楚文化中最精髓、与艺术及艺术家气质最为接近的楚辞文化,人们视而不见,难免有些可惜。 - The concept of one's soul going up to heaven after death was very popular in the Chu Kingdom.
因为在当时的楚国,流行死后升天的意识 - Tu Chu-chai vaguely waved a hand in greeting and was immediately convulsed by one of his sneezes
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