发布时间:2019-02-20 16:15 来源:环球网校
点击量: 774
少儿英语报名、考试、查分时间 免费短信提醒
- When 15 is divided by 3,3 is the divisor.15
被3除这个式子中,是除数。 - In a modulo check,the number by which the summed digits are divided.
在模数检验法中,一个和数用某个数来除,其中的除数称为模数。参阅modulocheck。 - In a modulo check, the number by which the summed digits are divided
在模数检验法中,一个和数用某个数来除,其中的除数称为模数。 - The divisor is subtracted from the dividend.
从被除数中减去除数。 - To be an exact divisor of.
以…来除成为…的精确除数 - An aliquot part.
整除数,约数能整除的部分。 - Of,relating to,or denoting an exact divisor or factor of a quantity,especially of an integer.
能整除的关于或指示一个量的除数或因数的,尤指一个整数的除数或因数 - Philosophy triumphs easily over past evils and future evils; but present evils triumph over it. ——La Rochefoucauld
n. 划分者,分裂者;分隔器分压器;除数;两脚规
- Dichotomous:Divided or dividing into two parts or classifications.
两分的:被划分或划分成两部分或类群的. - Four divides eight.
4能除尽8。 - We divided up the money.
我们把钱分了。 - Make sure you are not dividing by zero.
确保不会除零。 - The cells begin to divide rapidly.
n. 除数,法,约数
- Of,relating to,or denoting an exact divisor or factor of a quantity,especially of an integer.
能整除的关于或指示一个量的除数或因数的,尤指一个整数的除数或因数 - The number or quantity that is the value of the dividend divided by the value of the divisor and that is one of the results of a division operation.
被除数除以除数所得的数或量,是除法运算的结果之一。 - The number or quantity that is the value of the dividend divided by the value of the divisor and that is one of the results of a division operation.
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