发布时间:2019-02-15 10:29 来源:环球网校
点击量: 1477
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starting point
- I'm afraid our opinions diverge from a common starting point.
恐怕我们出发点相同,意见有点分歧。 - Common is the jumping-off place of all virtue.
平民性是一切美德的出发点。 - The principle of seeking truth from facts is the point of departure, the fundamental point, in Mao Zedong Thought.
实事求是,是毛泽东思想的出发点、根本点。 - But its fundamental issue is not empirical but ethical.
但是它的出发点不是经验主义,而是与伦理有关的。 - I see where you're coming from. You think charity should be a private matter.
我明白你的出发点,你认为行善但求己知。 - The usual Keynesian starting point, however, is to assume that the demand for exports is exogenous
但凯恩斯主义的通常出发点是假设出口需求是外来的。 - These beliefs constituted a frame of reference and a point of departure for the proponents of social christianity
n. 开始,起点;动身;开动;震惊,震动
v. 出发;开始,着手;发动;创办;惊起
- Then It'started to break into pieces. These pieces started to move apart.
然后它开始分为很多块。这些分开的板块开始移动,分开。 - He started coughing blood.
他开始咳血了。 - His hearing has started to go.
他的听力开始衰退。 - He gave a slight start.
他微微地震动了一下。 - The engine won't start.
n. 点;标点;要点;尖端;得分
v. 削尖;指向;加标点于;表明
- That is not the point in question.
那不是要考虑的要点。 - orientation point
方位点 - A score made on a try for a point or points after a touchdown.
触地得分在触地后再次发球所得的一分或几分 - He explained the problem clearly by analyzing it point by point.
他条分缕析地把问题讲清楚。 - concentrate troops at a strategic point
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