发布时间:2019-02-15 10:24 来源:环球网校
点击量: 870
少儿英语报名、考试、查分时间 免费短信提醒
make peace
- Preface and Postscript to‘Rural Surveys’
《〈农村调查〉的序言和跋》 - The primacy of the deed is over word and thought
行动胜过语言和思想。 - He is bilingual in an Asian language and English.
他会说一门亚洲语言和一门英语。 - Clara's fibs and evasion disturbed her not in the least that morning
克莱拉的谎言和遁词在那天早上一点也没有使她不安。 - A letter full of complaints and self-pity
充满怨言和自怜的信. - NumBerless lies and other prevarications.
数不清的谎言和其他搪塞之辞 - They perturb good social order with their lie and propaganda.
他们以谎言和宣传扰乱良好的社会秩序。 - His narrative is a super rendering of dialect speech and idiom.
他的叙述是方言和土语最成功的运用。 - They were one people in language and nationality.
他们已经是一个具有共同语言和共同民族性的种族了。 - If we can fight, then to talk about peace will only demoralize the troops and the people
v. 做;制造;生产;使得;获得;准备;引起;开始;使成为,产生;构成
n. 形状;样式;制造;构造;品牌
- a man of this make
这种性格的人 - make an example of
1.惩罚...以儆戒他人 - make a dive for
向¥冲去 - It will make you sick.
那会使你生病。 - It makes no matter.
n. 和平;治安;秩序;和约;平静;和睦
- The doctor was at peace.
博士生活得很安宁。 - a book the length of `War and Peace'
像《战争与和平》篇幅那样长的书 - Be vigilant in peace time.
居安思危。 - Peace of the forehead and war in the mind
口蜜腹剑 - We are solid for peace.
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