
2020-09-22 11:06 1993浏览 1回答


1楼-- · 2020-09-22 11:45

1.Division of the Arts艺术学院
该领域为所有本科生和研究生提供了技术培训,美学发展,艺术历史,理论和批判性研究,艺术历史和视觉文化,舞蹈,设计/工艺,戏剧,电影/视频和音乐等专业。艺术学院的任务The mission of the arts in education derives from their special modes of thinking and contributions to human experience and achievement.源于其特殊的思维方式和捐款人的经验和成就。 Often transcending verbal and mathematical conventions, the arts involve unique ways of knowing, understanding, expressing, communicating, and creating.往往超越语言和数学的惯例,涉及到独特的了解,理解,表达,沟通,并创造艺术的方式。
2.Department of Feminist Studies
女权主义是一个跨学科的研究领域,探讨根植于社会,政治和文化结构的性关系。女性主义研究的The undergraduate program in Feminist Studies provides students with a unique interdisciplinary and transnational perspective.本科计划为学生提供了一个独特的跨学科和跨国观点。The department emphasizes theories and practices derived from multiracial and multicultural contexts.该部强调来自多种族和多文化背景的理论与实践的结合。 每年有With over 140 declared majors and course offerings that reach more than 2,000 students annually, The Feminist Studies Department at UC Santa Cruz is one of largest departments focused on gender and sexuality studies in the US Founded as Women's Studies in 1974, it has contributed to the development of internationally recognized feminist scholarship and is one of the oldest and most well-regarded departments in the world.超过2000多学生申报140个专业和课程,加州大学圣克鲁斯分校的女权主义系是全美最大的侧重于研究性别的特征和性的系,自1974年美国车间里女性研究学后。它女权主义的发展做出了巨大的贡献,是世界上最古老和最受尊重的部门之一。The major in Feminist Studies offers opportunities to pursue careers in fields such as law, social services, public policy, health care, and higher education.女权主义的学习提供在以下领域谋求职业发展,如法律,社会服务,公共政策,卫生保健,教育和高等教育。Feminist Studies also encourages community service through faculty-sponsored internships and a mutually supportive and collaborative teaching and learning environment.女性主义研究还鼓励社区服务,通过学院主办的实习创造一种相互支持和协作的教学和学习环境。
3.The Department of Physics& Biological Sciences理学院
物理系可以让学生获得杰出的学术经验。 A nationalsurveyranked the overall satisfaction with the physics graduate program at UCSC the highest in the nation.一项关于物理研究生项目的全国性调查中UCSC物理系在全美联盟中获得满意度排名第一的成绩。 [More]In areportby the Institute for Scientific Information, UCSC Physics' professional papers had the highest citation rate of any university physics department in the country. 拥有很多密切相关的研究所,With our close connection to theSanta Cruz Institute for Particle Physics (SCIPP)and scientific associations withStanford Linear Accelerator Center (SLAC)andStanford Synchrotron Radiation Laboratory (SSRL)at Stanford, theUC Observatories, and various x-ray and neutron scattering centers at national laboratories we continue to provide exceptional research opportunities to our students.圣克鲁斯粒子物理研究所(SCIPP )和科学协会与斯坦福线性加速器中心(斯坦福线性加速器中心)和美国斯坦福同步辐射实验室(SSRL )在斯坦福大学天文台,以及各种X射线和中子散射中心在国家实验室,学生将有机会能到卓越的研究机会和项目。
4.J.Baskin School of Engineering工程学院J. Baskin
加州大学圣克鲁斯Baskin工程学院为尖端发展 ,创新教育和研究提供了难得的机会The Baskin School was founded in 1997 to meet the increasing demand for highly educated engineering graduates.Baskin工程学院成立于1997年,以满足日益增加的工程专业生的需求。We offer undergraduate degree programs in Bioinformatics, Bioengineering, Computer Engineering, Computer Science, Computer Science: Computer Game Design, Electrical Engineering, and Information Systems Management.我们提供的本科学位有:生物信息学,生物工程,计算机工程,计算机科学,计算机科学:计算机游戏设计,电气工程和信息系统管理。 The Baskin School also offers MS and PhD degree programs in Bioinformatics, Computer Engineering, Computer Science, Electrical Engineering, and Statistics and Stochastic Modeling.在巴斯学校还为提供生物信息学,计算机工程,计算机科学,电气工程,统计和随机建模等硕士和博士学位课程。Our faculty are doing exciting and pioneering research in the core areas of biotechnology, information technology, and nanotechnology.我们的教师正在致力于生物技术,信息技术和纳米技术的研究。 Our long-term plan calls for establishing eminence in key areas of bioinformatics and biomolecular engineering; communications, signal and image processing; information technology infrastructure (database, storage, networks, and security); machine learning, human-computer interface, graphics and visualization; optoelectronics and photonic systems; remote sensing and environmental technology; software engineering; global services management and engineering; VLSI and nanosystems including bionanomaterials, nanoelectromechanical systems (NEMS); and Bayesian statistics and dynamic mathematical modeling.The faculty and staff in the Baskin School are dedicated to providing first-rate education that instills strong basic knowledge for sound practice in science and engineering for the well-being of society.教员和工作人员会给学生提供一流的教育,灌输扎实的基本知识。 We offer diverse curricula that nurtures creative thinking and prepares students for productive and rewarding careers.我们提供特色的课程,培养学生的创造性思维。学生有机会参与了许多方面的校园生活:出国留学,创业计划,荣誉计划,课外活动,参加学院的研究,并提供学生在美国硅谷地区和其他地区高科技公司实习的机会。 The Baskin School of Engineering boasts three national research centers, namely Engineering Research Center for Biomimetic Microelectronic Systems funded by NSF, ONR MURI Thermionic Energy Conversion Center, Army MURI (Dynamic Ad-Hoc Wireless Network (DAWN). In addition, we host two California Institutes for Science and Innovation, namely QB3 (Quantitative Biomedical Research Institute) and CITRIS (Center for IT Research in the Interest of Society). We also host Los Alamos National Laboratory sponsored Institute for Scalable Scientific Data Management. These programs provide research opportunities and deepen learning experiences of our students.巴斯工程学院拥有三个国家级研究中心,即仿生微电子系统工程技术研究中心,美国海军研究局穆里热能源转换中心,陆军穆里研究中心。

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