传染性的英文:epidemicity参考例句:The infective larva of some tapeworms,characterized by its solid elongated body.全尾幼虫以紧密排列的长形身体为特征的一些绦虫的传染性幼虫Colds are catching.感冒是有传染性的。 Bad colds are catchi...阅读全文
闯出的英文:burst out参考例句:You're heading for an accident if you drive after drinking.如果你酒后开车,会闯出车祸。He fought his way through the underbrush他从矮树丛中闯出一条路来。The prospectors struggled in the s...阅读全文
创新的英文:bring forth new ideasblaze new trails参考例句:- Monopoly and innovation垄断与创新Innovation and Development在发展中创新,在创新中发展innovative team 创新性团队Knowledge Innovation Project (KIP)知识创新工程To...阅读全文
村镇的英文:bourg参考例句:These villages and small towns were all visited by the plague.这些村镇都受到瘟疫的侵袭。The highroad into the village of Weydon Priors was again carpeted with dust通往威敦?普利奥斯村镇去的大...阅读全文