眼帘的英文:(lit.)eyeseyesight参考例句:"This is the scene that greets you on Valentine's Day, "映入你眼帘的这幕情景就是情人节。A grim and unsightly picture met his eye.一幅可怕和难看的情景映入他的眼帘。A grim and unsightly ...阅读全文
眼力的英文:eyesightvision powerability to make discerning judgments参考例句:He's good at sizing people up.他看人很有眼力。You should rely on your own discrimination.你应该相信自己的眼力。This is insight, perc...阅读全文
研究方向的英文:n. research direction参考例句:Why can I not take this approach in the reverse way?我何不颠倒我的研究方向呢?Now without pursuing those sorts of spooky lines of enquiry. 现在我们不再追寻那些令人毛骨悚然的研究...阅读全文