朝气蓬勃的英文:[Literal Meaning]spirit/vigorousto be full of vigor and vitality[解释]朝:早上;蓬勃:旺盛的样子。形容充满了生命和活力。[Explanation]vigorous and energetic[例子]在五十年代,人们对新生活充满了渴望,整个社会也朝气蓬勃。[Example]In ...阅读全文
一级方程式赛车的英文:Formula One参考例句:Hakkinen of Finland had his first test in the 1996 Mclaren Formula One Car at the Estoril track in Portugal 0n Thursday.星期四,芬兰车手哈基宁在葡萄牙埃斯图里尔车道进行他的1996年麦克...阅读全文
一半一半的英文:half and half参考例句:Of course, if you simply consider mathematical chances, the odds are even on an h-bomb war within ten years当然,如果你单从数学概念方面考虑,那么十年之内发生氢弹战争的可能性是一半对一半。half是什么...阅读全文
成果的英文:resultachievementgainprofit参考例句:gratifying results have been achieved取得令人欣慰的成果。The people behind these achievements deserve even greater accolades.更要重视与赞美创造这些成果的人。The apollo ...阅读全文