兴隆的英文:(N) Xinglong (place in Hebei)参考例句:reanimate a trade使某一行业重新兴隆Prosperous and flourishing昌盛兴隆We are doing a healthy business.我们的生意很兴隆。 Tourism in the coastal area is very prospe...阅读全文
信息港的英文:1. info-port; information portinfo是什么意思:n.1.[U]信息,消息,资讯2.【构成名词】信息的,消息的,资讯的Press the More Info button to see details of the e-mail certificate.请按Info Title: Promote Your Busi...阅读全文
存钱的英文:depositsave参考例句:We're saving up to get married.我们正在存钱结婚。Has she any money put by?她有没有存钱?I'm saving money now.我正在存钱。How would you like to deposit your money?您想怎样存钱?Oh that was...阅读全文
搭便车的人的英文:hitch-hiker参考例句:That hitchhiker looks dangerous. Don't pick him up.那个搭便车的人看起来很危险。不要载他。hitch是什么意思:v. 搭乘别人的便车;套住,锁住n. 意外故障;急拉,急推;绳结Hitch your wagon to a star.志在千里。Hitch your...阅读全文