学历公证的英文:notarization of academic credentials; notarization of the record of formal schoolingnotarization是什么意思:n. 公证If the authorized agent is living outside of the U.S., the agent ...阅读全文
学界的英文:1.the academic circle参考例句:The Japanese physics community was immobilized first by Japan's war with China, and later by its war with the Allies日本物理学界,先是由于日本对中国的侵略,接着又由于对盟国的战争,...阅读全文
宣誓的英文:make a vow参考例句:a sworn official.已宣誓尽职的官员Subject to dispensation,as a vow or church law.可赦免的可宽恕的,如宣誓或教堂法律oath of abjuration弃国的宣誓(异国人归化他国时放弃原所属国籍的宣誓)The conqueror tried to make...阅读全文