言词的英文:wordage参考例句:A caustic wit言词尖刻的人.His courageous words took his depressed supporters on the rebound.他的言词颇有胆量,鼓舞了那些本已垂头丧气的支持者。It is felt that distinctness and energy may have we...阅读全文
延安的英文:(N) Yan'an (city in Shaanxi)参考例句:"250 Yan’an Rd., W."延安西路250号Doctor Bethune arrived in Yan'an in spring 1938.白求恩大夫于1938年春到延安。We flew back to the Taihang area in a transport p...阅读全文
出没的英文:haunt参考例句:There is an army of rats infesting this house.有一大群老鼠在这幢房子出没。A spirit haunts the castle.幽灵常出没于古堡。The hills swarmed with bandits.山中有大批土匪出没。The police visited all the ...阅读全文
严惩的英文:gruelinggruellinglower the boom ontrounce参考例句:The rebels must be harshly dealt with造反者必须严惩。Dangerous driving should be severely punished.危险驾驶应受严惩。He was scourged for tax evas...阅读全文
严寒的英文:frigid or bitter cold参考例句:A frigid climate严寒的气侯A frigid winter严寒的冬天siberian villages present a cheerful image in defiance of the harsh climate.西伯利亚农村尽管气候严寒,却呈现令人欢悦的景象。"Warm" ...阅读全文
延长的英文:extendprolong参考例句:Increase booster time延长助推时间The embassy refused to renew their temporary travel documents.大使馆不同意延长他们临时旅行证件的有效期。Articulated without friction and capable of be...阅读全文