趁着的英文:under the cover of参考例句:They did it under the cloak of darkness.他们是趁着黑夜干的。Exploit a situation for one's own advantage趁着形势谋取私利`Psst! Let's get out now before they see us!'`嘘!趁着...阅读全文
成都的英文:Chengdu (city)参考例句:It 's the express No. 163 for Chengdu.这是去成都的163次直快Recently we have made investment in a company in Chengdu.最近我们在成都也投资了一家公司。I'd like to book a berth on Trai...阅读全文
工作了很长时间,脱离学校太久,很难进入学习状态,不知从何下手,另外在复习过程中很难平衡工作与学习的时间,也不知道怎样的计划是适合自己的。接下来小编告诉你mba看什么书好。 mba看什么书好: MBA有国内有三种: 第一种是EMBA,EMBA是英文Executive Master of Business Administration的缩写。意思为高层...阅读全文