城关的英文:area outside a city gatearea是什么意思:n. 面积;地区;区域;场地;领域,范围,方面This is a drainage area.这里是排水区。The areas of greater rainfall conform roughly with these forested areas.降雨量较大地区大致与这些森林...阅读全文
城郊结合部的英文:fringe area参考例句:Violent crimes are often committed at the fringe areas, where people are fewer and security measures looser.暴力犯罪案件多在行人稀少、治安管理薄弱的城郊结合部一带发生fringe是什么意思:n. 刘海;...阅读全文
城乡结合部的英文:fringe areafringe是什么意思:n. 刘海;穗,流苏;边缘;次要部分adj. 次要的,附加的;边缘的v. 加穗于,镶边bangs; a fringe刘海儿 The ancient city was fringed with wall.这座古城四周围着围墙。The edge of the carpet was frayed in...阅读全文
城镇人口的英文:population in urban areas参考例句:Town populations城镇人口population是什么意思:n. 人口;全体居民;动植物总数The population is on the decline. 人口在减少。 The population is dwindling.人口在逐渐减少。Attach import...阅读全文
驰名的英文:resound参考例句:A car famous for its rugged qualities以坚固耐用驰名的汽车Celebrated:Known and praised widely; noted.著名的:著名的且有口皆碑的;驰名的。kent is known as' the garden of England'肯特以“英格兰的花园”而驰名...阅读全文