摇晃地悬挂着的英文:dangledangle是什么意思:v. 悬吊着或摆动不定;以某事物招引某人He sat on the edge of the table dangling his legs.他坐在桌子边上,摆动着双腿。Dad is trying to persuade Jim by dangling the carrot of higher allowance.爸爸以增...
外语少儿 短信预约提醒
遥感卫星的英文:remote sensing satelliteremote是什么意思:adj. 遥远的;偏僻的;疏远的n. 远程outside chance; remote possibility.不大可能的机会;极小的可能性。 remote transfer system遥距转运系统 The connection to the remote computer was broke...
城堡的英文:castle参考例句:The castle is in ruins.这座城堡已成废墟。The castle reeks of mystery.这座城堡充满神秘气氛。They stormed the castle.他们向城堡发动猛攻。The castle is provisioned for a siege该城堡为应付围攻贮备了粮食。In the count...
摇控的英文:【计】 outplant systemoutplant是什么意思:【计】 远距的system是什么意思:n. 体系,系统;设备;制度;方法;身体;次序Is the system unstable?是系统不稳定吗?It was not a perfect system.它不是一个完美的系统。This is a sexpartite sy...
遥控的英文:remote control参考例句:remote control and indication system for railway signaling.车站信号遥控遥信。I've got a remote color TV with a 29-inch screen.我有一台29英寸遥控彩色电视机。I have got a remote color TV with a 29-inch scre...
城北的英文:north of the city参考例句:The northern part of the city used to be sparsely populated, but has now become a cultural centre城北过去很冷落,现在成了文化区。"On Wheel Tower parapets night-bugles are blowing, Though the flag at th...
摇篮的英文:cradle参考例句:The baby is snug in its cradle.婴儿在摇篮中很舒适。The baby is snug in its cradle. 婴儿在摇篮中很舒适。 Greece was the cradle of Western culture. 希腊是西方文化的摇篮。 The foot on the cradle,the hand on the dist...
遥控器的英文:report controllerremote controller参考例句:Press a number on the remote control(1 - 4)to access that preset.按遥控器上的一个数字(1-4)进入预置。The remote control doesn't work.遥控器坏了。Remote keyless entry system with pani...
城关的英文:area outside a city gatearea是什么意思:n. 面积;地区;区域;场地;领域,范围,方面This is a drainage area.这里是排水区。The areas of greater rainfall conform roughly with these forested areas.降雨量较大地区大致与这些森林地区相....
摇橹人的英文:the Rowerrower是什么意思:n. 划手
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