阳光菇的英文:Sun-shroom(植物大战僵尸中的角色,开始时只给予少量阳光,稍后即会恢复正常。)sun是什么意思:n. 太阳;阳光;恒星v. 晒(太阳)The sun is down.太阳下山了。apex of the sun太阳向点 Sun-shrooms give small sun at first and normal sun ...
外语少儿 短信预约提醒
阳光明媚的英文:bright and sunny参考例句:So off they went, driving the country roads of northern Rhode Island…sparkling sunshine, unclouded azure skies…于是,他们开车沿着罗德岛北部的乡间道路行驶…这天,阳光明媚,碧空万里…The wedding was...
驰名的英文:resound参考例句:A car famous for its rugged qualities以坚固耐用驰名的汽车Celebrated:Known and praised widely; noted.著名的:著名的且有口皆碑的;驰名的。kent is known as' the garden of England'肯特以“英格兰的花园”而驰名。The fil...
阳光蘑菇的英文:Sun-shroom(植物大战僵尸中的角色,开始时只给予少量阳光,稍后即会恢复正常。)参考例句:Sun-shrooms give small sun at first and normal sun later. 阳光蘑菇开始时只给予少量阳光,稍后即会恢复正常。sun是什么意思:n. 太阳;阳光;恒...
驰名商标的英文:well-known trademark参考例句:Protection for well-known marks is also available.驰名商标也同样受到保护。known是什么意思:adj. 已知的;知名的;大家知道的v. know的过去分词This is a known fact.这是众所周知的事实。It is known as...
痴病的英文:dementia;insanitydementia是什么意思:n. 痴呆But how are we treating people with dementia?但我们应该怎样对待老年痴呆病人?There is even a medical condition called alcoholic dementia.甚至医学上就专门有“酒精中毒性痴呆”一说。But m...
驰名中外的英文:renowned at home and abroad参考例句:Be famous both at home and abroad for its beautiful patterns, neat colours, fine embroidering and vivid needling素以图案秀丽、色彩雅洁、绣工精湛、针法灵活的特色驰名中外renowned是什么意思....
痴迷的英文:addicted参考例句:Filled with great joy or rapture.着迷的,喜出望外的充满了兴奋或痴迷的。To fill with rapture or delight.使痴迷,使狂喜Williams is obsessive about motor racing.威廉斯对赛车到了痴迷的程度。He was riveted to the Jo...
迟迟的英文:(be) late (with a task, etc.)slow参考例句:To walk sluggishly迟迟而行Others have allowed tort suits against insurers for negligent delay in acting on an application另一些州则允许因保险人迟迟未能对投保书采取行动而对他提起侵权之诉...
痴情的英文:infatuation; spoony参考例句:Mawkish sentimentality,affection,or amorousness.痴情令人发腻的多愁善感、痴情或韵事A Blind man will not thank you for a looking-glass秋波送盲,白费痴情He's infatuated with that girl. 他对那位姑娘是一片...
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