此处省略一万字的英文:the omission of ten thousand wordsomission是什么意思:n. 省略,删节;遗漏There is a sin of omission as well as of commission.有的罪是因为做了某件事,有的罪是因为没有做某件事(该做的事没做也是犯罪)。This task does not al...
外语少儿 短信预约提醒
此一时彼一时的英文:[Literal Meaning] this/one/moment, that/one/momentThat was one situation, and this is another.[解释] 那是一个时候,现在又是一个时候。表示时间不同,情况有了变化。[Explanation] Times have changed.[例子] 此一时,彼一时。你....
此次的英文:this time参考例句:The redesign (face-lifting ) is expected to boost the circulation of the magazine.此次改版可望提高杂志的发行量Seoul is to be the first leg of the President’s four-nation Asian tour汉城将是总统此次对亚洲进行巡...
次带的英文:secondary branchsecondary是什么意思:adj. 第二(次)的;第二位的,次要的;中等教育的,中学的;间接的;继发性的n. 副手,代理人;次要的人(或物);卫星To contain as a secondary or subordinate element.含有作为次要的、附属的成分而包...
此地的英文:at this point参考例句:Walnut is a local specialty here核桃是此地的土特产。Rede you not to stay here when I am gone. 我走后, 我劝你不要在此地停留。Sure enough, a policeman arrived on the scene and politely asked the workmen to...
次贷款的英文:n. subprime mortgagesubprime是什么意思:n.次贷Subprime lending(或者Subprime loan),中文可译作“次级贷款”。次级贷款是银行或贷款机构提供给那些不具备资格享受Prime rate(优惠利率)贷款的客户的一种贷款After all, sitting and wait...
此地无银三百两的英文:[Literal Meaning] here/no/silver/three/hundred/taelNo three hundred taels of silver buried here.[解释] 比喻想要掩盖事实,却更加暴露。[Explanation] to try to conceal sth. but give oneself away by the act[例子] 你这是此....
次贷危机的英文:Subprime Mortgage Crisissubprime是什么意思:n.次贷Subprime lending(或者Subprime loan),中文可译作“次级贷款”。次级贷款是银行或贷款机构提供给那些不具备资格享受Prime rate(优惠利率)贷款的客户的一种贷款After all, sitting an...
此后的英文:after thisafterwardshereafter参考例句:The next 150 years were the golden age of Greek drama.此后150年为古希腊戏剧的鼎盛时期。These urban communities were an indication of the large part that cities would play in the years ahead...
次第的英文:one after anotherordersequenceone是什么意思:num. 一;同一个、最重要的一个det. 代替a或an,表示强调;某位(用于不太熟悉之人的姓名之前)pron. 任何人;一个人;一个事物;其中的一个人One, Taipei, one way.台北单程票一张。This one is n...
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