超值的英文:overflow参考例句:Our shop provides our old customers with a premium card, with which they may get unconventional enjoyment.本店为老顾客提供超值享受的优惠卡。overflow是什么意思:n. 溢值,超值,泛滥v. (使)泛滥,(使)溢出,充溢...
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超音速的英文:supersonicsupersonic speedsupersonic velocityultrasonic参考例句:This moth's ear is tuned in to the bat's ultrasonic squeak这种蛾的耳朵能收听到蝙蝠的超音速的尖叫声。The range of a supersonic jet超音速喷气式飞机的航程The new ge...
一张的英文:sheet参考例句:a slip of paper一张纸条 She sent me a Christmas card last year.去年寄过一张圣诞卡。One, Taipei, one way.台北单程票一张。This is a negative film.这是一张底片。To reproduce a picture复制一张画片Lick a stamp.舔一张邮...
一一的英文:one by oneone after another参考例句:With a smile, he makes introductions all round.他微笑着将在场的人一一作了介绍。The doctor not only gives medical treatment but hands out helpful advice to all his patients as well那位医生不仅...
超越的英文:surpassexceedtranscend参考例句:an insuperable barrier无法超越的障碍numerical method of transcendental equations超越方程数值解法over one's head超越某人的理解力 The quality or state of being transcendental.超越、先验、杰出的性质....
一张一弛文武之道的英文:[Literal Meaning]one/tense/one/relaxation/Emperor Wen/Emperor Wu/aux./wayLabor and leisure should both be emphasized.[解释]文、武:指周文王和周武王。意思是宽严相结合,是文王武王治理国家的方法。现用来比喻生活和工作要....
一意孤行的英文:[Literal Meaning]one/will/alone/do to have one's own way[解释]指不接受别人的劝告,顽固地根据自己的想法去做。[Explanation]to cling obstinately to one's course[例子]对待是不是要换工作这样的大事,你千万不要一意孤行,要多听别人....
超越地的英文:transcendentallytranscendentally是什么意思:adv. 超越地Such matters transcend human understanding.这些事情是人类所无法理解的。The grandeur of the Grand Canyon transcends description.大峡谷的宏伟不是笔墨所能形容的。The remainin...
一针见血的英文:[Literal Meaning]one/needle/see/bloodto shed blood with just one injection[解释]一针刺下去就见到血。比喻说话直截了当,切中要害。[Explanation]to get to the exact point[例子]老师的批评一针见血,他马上意识到了自己的错误。[Examp...
一语中的的英文:phr. hit the nail on the headphr是什么意思:= PHysical Record,物理记录The result shows that the reactive blending has a marked effect of viscosity reduction when the EPDM content in disperse phase is 20~25 phr.结果表明,EPDM...
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