一脉相承的英文:[Literal Meaning]one/stem/each other/hand downto be hand down from one stem[解释]一脉:同一血统、派别世代流传下来。[Explanation]can be traced to the same origin[例子]这两种思想都是来自儒家,是一脉相承的。[Example]The two sch...
外语少儿 短信预约提醒
一年一度的授奖演讲日的英文:speech dayspeech是什么意思:n. 说话,演说,民族语言,台词,发声,引语,传闻To hesitate in speech.说话吞吞吐吐。the tenor of a speech讲话的大意 diffusion of speech冗长的演说 Change the sentences from indirect spee...
一毛不拔的英文:[Literal Meaning]one/hair/not/pull upto be unwilling to pull up even one fine hair[解释]一根汗毛也不肯拔。形容为人非常吝啬自私。[Explanation]to be very stingy and unwilling to give a hair[例子]他们一家人都很抠,对待亲戚经常....
一诺千金的英文:[Literal Meaning]one/promise/thousand/golda promise worth one thousand taels of gold[解释]诺:许诺。许下的一个诺言有千金的价值。比喻说话算数,很有信用。[Explanation]to be sure to keep one's promise[例子]这个人我最了解了,他....
一门心思的英文:1. have one's heart set on2. be obsessed with参考例句:He describes French centralism, single-mindedness and self absorption as the “Cartesian Handicap.”他把法国人的中心主义、一门心思和自我关注说成是“笛卡儿式的障碍”。His...
一旁的英文:asidethe side of参考例句:Stand by; look on站在一旁;旁观The next dance is a polka.Let's sit it out.我们坐到一旁不跳吧。I will not sit back and watch my only son become a cocksucker! 我是不会坐在一旁任由我唯一的儿子变成一个鸡佬....
一面的英文:one side参考例句:Some people annotate as they read.有的人一面读书一面做注解。 Delegations inspected it admiringly一些参观团一面看一面赞不绝口。Basking on the balcony, granny can still keep an eye on the children.奶奶一面在阳台....
一批的英文:a collection ofa crop ofa group ofa muster ofa set ofa stock ofarraypasselset参考例句:A collection of jades一批玉器A teen-age set一批十几岁的青少年They are a sorry lot.他们是一批糟糕的家伙。 I baked a batch of cookies. 我烤了....
一面倒的英文:Lopsided win one side game参考例句:a lopsided spill(美棒球)一面倒的大败lopsided是什么意思:a. 倾向一方的,不平衡的A three-quarter moon hung above and ahead like a lopsided lantern一轮缺掉四分之一的月亮就悬在上空前方,象一盏斜....
一片的英文:pieceslice参考例句:A segment of orange一片柑桔A blank silence一片沉寂a primeval forest.一片原始森林A tract of meadow一片草地Not a leaf was stirring没有一片树叶在动。The city was in a turmoil. 该城一片混乱。 Lapse into ruin塌成....
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2016年7月公布的AFP试题——金融理财基础(一) 582 KB下载数 87 下 载
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