一刀切的英文:allow no flexibility参考例句:non-discretionary implementation;Universal application一刀切We should not impose uniformity on the implementation of the policies政策上不搞一刀切The impulse to invest ethically is praiseworthy, bu...
外语少儿 短信预约提醒
一大笔钱的英文:a barrel of money a pretty packet a pretty penny That ain't hay.参考例句:To cost a packet花费一大笔钱To make a packet赚一大笔钱The ringleader lent Frank a large sum and has had him in the hollow of his hand ever since.那流....
一本的英文:copy参考例句:He was possessed with a pornographic novel.他迷上一本黄色小说A juicy mystery novel.一本很刺激的侦探小说A frightening,compulsive novel.一本吸引人的恐怖小说。I ache to write a novel.我渴望撰写一本小说。Dramatize a no...
一大二公的英文:large in size and collective in nature参考例句:(Concerning the people's commune) large in size and collective in nature一大二公large是什么意思:adj. 大的,宽大的;多的,多量的,多数的;广博的;广泛的adv. 大,大大地;夸大地T...
一本正经的英文:[Literal Meaning]one/book/official/classicswith a show of seriousness[解释]原指一部正规的经典,现在形容态度很庄重、很严肃。[Explanation]serious and solemn in attitude[例子]他平时总是一本正经的,连个玩笑都不开。[Example]He of...
一大批的英文:a flood ofan array of参考例句:She has a wide following.她有一大批追随者。A large number of independent African countries emerge at a historic moment. 一大批非洲独立国家应运而生。I've got through a lot of correspondence today....
一比零的英文:One to naughtone是什么意思:num. 一;同一个、最重要的一个det. 代替a或an,表示强调;某位(用于不太熟悉之人的姓名之前)pron. 任何人;一个人;一个事物;其中的一个人One, Taipei, one way.台北单程票一张。This one is not a spoof.这个...
一笔钱的英文:a sum of money参考例句:to apportion the money fairly平均分配一笔钱That isn't hay.那是为数不小的一笔钱$10,000 is a tidy sum of money. 一万美元是相当大的一笔钱。 Karl ran up a bill at the bookstore卡尔欠书店一笔钱。Deduct (an a...
一唱一和的英文:[Literal Meaning]one/sing/one/accompanyto sing a duet with somebody[解释]和:附和。比喻两人相互配合,互相呼应。[Explanation]to echo and support each other[例子]这对夫妇一唱一和,编造了各种谎言来欺骗警察。[Example]The couple ...
一边的英文:one side参考例句:And tremble and despoil themselves: 0 hear!一边颤栗,一边自动萎缩:哦,你听!said Li Yu-ting off-handedly, engrossed in his coffee李玉亭头也不抬地一边喝咖啡,一边回答。Stand by支持,帮助,站在一边;袖手旁观Cuesta:a...
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