成家的英文:to get married (man)参考例句:To establish a competency with bare hands赤手成家Build up a family by hard work and thrift刻苦成家To build up one’s fortune from scratch空手成家First thrive and then wive先立业,后成家He ought, in t...
外语少儿 短信预约提醒
也不例外的英文:not excepting参考例句:Nobody was almighty, neither was an alien.没人是全能的, 一个外侨也不例外。Humans are always making mistakes, and your users are no exception.人类总是会犯错误,你的用户也不例外。 Marketing is everywher...
成家立业的英文:(said of men reaching adulthood) to get married and start a careersaid是什么意思:v. [say]的过去式和过去分词adj. 上述的What she said figures.她说得有道理。And He said to them,路9:3对他们说、路的时候、要带拐杖、口袋、要带食物...
也好的英文:all well and good参考例句:And diet soda is no better.即使是无糖苏打也好不到哪里去。Back in Shuikou, andy's health revived if not restored回到水口,马普安就算没有全部康复,病也好多了。I burned to say if but one word, by way of t...
成见的英文:preconceived ideabiasprejudice参考例句:Without bias or prejudice;impartial.无偏见的无偏见或成见的;公平的The committee is of a conservative bias.委员会有一种成见。Clara was full of a sombre preconception.克拉拉心中充满了模糊的成...
也就是的英文:i.e.参考例句:The rate is calculated by dividing that number by the total number of people in the labor force.失业率就是用这些人数除以总的劳动人数。If you think it all hinged on the pilot wearing his lucky underpants, you’re ...
也可以的英文:what the hell参考例句:Be welcome to; be at liberty to可以做..It is conceivable that可以相象and if it was intelligible, then it was alterable如果可以识别,那就可以改变。This toy is made to pull apart.这件玩具可以拆开。 A soft ...
野草莓的英文:wood strawberrywood是什么意思:n. 木材;木制品;树林;(保龄球)木瓶;木头球棒v. 收集木材;植林于;给…添加木柴Pine is a soft wood and teak is a hard wood.松木是软木,柚木是硬木。They are charring wood in a kiln. 他们正在窑内...
也许的英文:perhapsmaybe参考例句:Maybe he boozes on the side.也许他还暗地里酗酒。He may be rich for aught I know.他也许有钱但我一无所知。Perhaps a moped would be more suitable.也许机动自行车比较适合。 This may defuse some of the anger. 这....
成对的英文:pairpairingtwining参考例句:One of the fleshy paired appendages of polychete annelids that function in locomotion and breathing.疣足,侧足多毛目环节动物成对的起移动和呼吸作用的肉质附属部分The Web site uses a pair of drop-down me...
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