[Literal Meaning]
not to neglect a single string
to be conscientious and meticulous
Whatever he did, he dotted the i's and crossed the t's. His conscientious attitude won acclaim from his colleagues.
dot one's i's and cross one's t's
dot the i's and cross the t's
- Pay sedulous attention to details.
一丝不苟。 - A meticulous carpenter
一丝不苟的木匠 - Attention to detail is the hallmark of a fine craftsman.
能工巧匠的特点是一丝不苟。 - You'll have to make sure that you dot the i's and cross the t's while doing the work.
"做这工作时,你应该做到一丝不苟。" - Qualifications include: Fluent in English, Meticulous in work, Bachelor degree required. Accounting experience a plus
资格:英语流畅,工作一丝不苟,大学学士学位,兼有财会经验 - A punctilious attention to detail
对细节一丝不苟 - She' s a very exact person.
她是个一丝不苟的人。 - He is scrupulous about every detail.
他做事一丝不苟。 - a stickler for over,about ] sth.
对某事一丝不苟的人 - We should not be the least bit negligent in our work.
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